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Crystal Consultation

By Saurabh Masurkar

Saurabh Masurkar

Reboot Your Life with the Transformative Power of Crystals
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Crystal Consultation

About Saurabh Masurkar

Saurabh Masurkar is not new to Crystals, from a young age he passionately collected stones and crystals of various shapes and sizes wherever he travelled and this passion lead him to his most obvious purpose that is help individuals reboot their lives with the energy of crystals.

As the Co-Founder of Cold Lava Studio, Saurabh is dedicated to providing guidance and personal coaching to help individuals reboot their lives. Saurabh’s holistic method combines the power of personalized action plans, specific affirmations, and crystal healing.

Saurabh has helped over 20,000 people transform their lives with over 20 years of experience as a Corporate Trainer, a certified Crystal Consultant and Numerologist.
What is Crystal Consultation?

At Cold Lava, renowned consultant Mr. Saurabh Masurkar employs a unique Crystal Consultation method to empower individuals in achieving their goals and overcoming challenges. This personalized approach begins with a deep understanding of the client’s needs, aspirations, and energetic signature.

How will Crystal Consultation help me?

  • Clarify intentions and objectives
  • Understand energy blockages and patterns
  • Address specific challenges and obstacles
  • Expert guidance for effective crystal use


Through a comprehensive assessment, Mr. Masurkar identifies the underlying root causes of the client’s concerns, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. With this insight, he recommends specifically chosen crystals to harmonize and balance the client’s energy.

Saurabh also provides expertly tailored affirmations addressing clients’ specific life needs, goals, and challenges.

Who should take Crystal Consultation?

  • Individuals seeking:
  • Clarity on life purpose and direction
  • Support during transitions or challenges
  • Looking to enhance creativity and productivity
  • Entrepreneurs seeking manifestation and success
  • Seeking balance between work and personal life
  • Improved relationships and communication
  • Trauma or PTSD survivors
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