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Selenite plate

• Crystal Cleansing: Our Selenite Plate acts as a natural purifier, cleansing and rejuvenating crystals to restore their energy and vitality.
• Amplifies Positive Energies: Harness the innate energy of Selenite to amplify positive vibrations, creating an uplifting atmosphere in any space.
• Clears Negative Energy: Banish negativity and stagnant energy with the cleansing properties of Selenite, promoting clarity and harmony.
• Promotes Spiritual Growth: Enhance your spiritual journey by surrounding yourself with the transformative energy of Selenite, facilitating inner growth and enlightenment.
• Amplifies Crystal Healing: Boost the effectiveness of your crystal healing practices by storing your crystals in our Selenite Box, enhancing their healing properties.
• Supports Meditation: Create a sacred space for meditation and reflection with the serene energy of Selenite, promoting deep relaxation and inner peace.
• Balances Chakras: Align and balance your chakras by incorporating Selenite into your energy healing routine, promoting overall well-being and vitality.
• Protects Against Negative Influences: Shield yourself from negative influences and psychic attacks by harnessing the protective energy of Selenite.
• Enhances Intuition: Tap into your intuition and inner wisdom with the clarifying energy of Selenite, fostering a deeper connection to your higher self.
• Invites Harmony and Serenity: Create a sanctuary of peace and tranquility in your home or workspace with the calming presence of our Selenite Plate.


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